For anybody who can't comprehend how we could still have millions of dipshits cheering on the literal destruction of American democracy, your work should put their confusion to rest. The conservative propaganda machine goes to extraordinary efforts to obscure reality from their gullible victims, and then flip it on its head. I can't even bring myself to watch the clips because my blood immediately begins to fucking boil over.

I know tons of people who can't understand how high ranking, college educated Republican lawyers, politicians, judges, and even Supreme Court justices could be so radicalized and detached from reality too. I remind them that those individuals are also getting their "news" from the very same propaganda machine as the millions of indoctrinated peasants. In other words, a large segment of the Republican establishment has fallen victim to the very same propaganda machine that their own party created. Hell, some of the goddamn propagandists themselves have been indoctrinated and gaslit by their own endless fucking bullshit.

Every decent, sane, rational American left in our society needs to understand that if we fail to stop Trump and these fascists fucks from their attempts to end American democracy, this right-wing propaganda will become the ONLY source of information our future generations will ever get to see. They're already rapidly working to make that hellish nightmare a reality as we speak. Trump's acting FCC head is currently opening up frivolous investigations into PBS and NPR right now, in an attempt to maliciously justify cutting their funding while bullying them into submission. Their insane justification for doing so, of course, is that PBS and NPR are actually the "fake news"! Straight outta the Fascism for dummies playbook.

The American people need to wake the fuck up NOW and come together to stop this because, if not, Russia's lived nightmare over the past 2 1/2 decades is exactly what we have to look forward to hear at home for decades to come. I for one, will fight with every last breath to prevent that hell from becoming my son's future...

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I really enjoy your amazing work (backhanded compliment because it is so difficult but so important to take in). I can’t watch “Face the Nation” anymore because they keep two sides-ing it and now it is almost an entire fascist show full of liars with Margaret Brennan pretending she is giving them a hard time. I just mute it. Then I said, why burn up my TV with their knee bending, ring kissing, dick sucking crap. Bye bye NBC and CBS (can’t get abc on my digital antenna). I watch local news which is still inundated with philly eagles crap, really? That was a week ago, get over it. Wait, that was the oval ball, right?

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Thank you. PBS is pretty good and you can get it on YouTube for free. They don't openly trash Trump but they definitely don't praise him. It's not a corporate so they don't worry about ratings they just produce the stories they think are important to audiences.

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I had to specifically list what non profits I contributed to this year on my tax prep if it were over $300. Believe you me, PBS (WHYY) was way high on that list. I wonder what the orange dicktator and oatmeal mush man will do with that IRS entry. BTW, should I change my bank account number, phone number, etc.? I have already gotten a new credit card, frozen all my credit bureau accounts, etc. I have worked for and been a patient in two health care systems (huge ones) that have been hacked in the span of 1.5 years. My credit monitoring reports all my data is/are on dark web. I am joining “joindeleteme.com/lawfare20” per advice of Ben Wittis on Lawfare podcast. As a journalist who lives in a 450 square foot apartment (I wish I did except I would have to give away all the books I want to read) do you have any knowledge of covering your ass in the orange dicktator regime? I am too old and too cold to move to Canada.

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