Thanks for taking the time to do this for public viewing. I was GOP for 30 years until 2017. I listened to Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. on AM radio for years. Over the years...I grew tired of it because there was never any real debate on the shows and it was always the same theme..."GOP good; Dems bad". I started to question why I was listening to what amounted to brainwashing. Then it happened, Obama got elected (I didn't vote for him either time) and I was listening to Laura Ingraham covering the Obama inauguration. She was so dang condescending and then when Obama had his family join him...she just went off on "Oh how sweeeeet...." in just the most mocking way. I finally had enough...when the party of family is condescending of a POTUS inviting his family to the podium with him. So I stopped watching/listening to all conservative shows/news for about 8 years until Trump's election and I went back to FoxNews and was looking for what they were saying about him. I think I missed 8 years of brainwashing and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why do I keep going back and post there after 8 years? It sincerely bothers me how they can have these incredibly strong opinions about things they don't really understand, etc. Also...I love it when they claim the MSM is a propaganda tool for the Left when FoxNews is the most prolific and unashamed producer of propaganda there is. I go there to shine some truth around...and there are a handful of us doing it. Anyway...that's a bit more detail of my story and my relationship with FoxNews. I'll be coming here often to get the great overview you provide.

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Great job as usual!! I wish your reporting was required reading by everyone. It would make a huge difference!

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Your stats on how much profit the oil companies make on such small royalty payments is mind-blowing.

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What's even worse is it's been like this for over 100 years. They used to pay very little for their bonds and leases. The companies would trash the land and tax payers would clean up after their mess. They hate Biden because he increased the royalties, leases and bonds. The industry broke records in 2023 for profits but they just want more. Then to add insult to injury the U.S. government subsidies the whole industry. It's extremely hard to find data on it as well as most advocacy groups focus on international subsidies not national ones. Fox would have lobbyists from the oil and gas industry on and they would always act like Biden was destroying their industry yet they are extracting more oil now than they ever have in the history of the country. It's mostly done by fracking. Any oil that we could have easily gotten out of the ground using drilling has been tapped out. Fracking is a more expensive process. Saudi Arabia basically has to put a straw in the ground and oil comes out. Without fracking we'd be tapped out.

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