Aug 8, 2023Liked by Decoding Fox News

Is there a way someone can sue Fox News for lying AGAIN! It’s the only way to stop them.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Author

They will probably get away with it this time because they aren't telling lies about a specific company but on the bright side Smartmatic has a very good case against them so they might be shelling out a lot of money soon.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Decoding Fox News

Dear Decoder, You ARE doing a service. I will spread information about your work. I appreciate your "service" although I had heard bits and pieces of the Fox commentary...either from turning to the channel once in awhile or learning it from CNN or MSNBC.

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Thank you. I have developed a thick skin in regards to the network's content. I just try to find cracks every time I watch it.

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I realized that you, Decoder, could be the key to what I see as a major dilemma for our whole electorate. I have felt like "a voice crying in the wilderness" because of an important realization: All of the voting public who prefer Republican and have varying degrees of positive feelings for Trump only watch FOX, OAN, NewsMax, or Salem Broadcasting. When these "discussion" groups are interviewed, they complain about the negativity of the media, and the massive corruption on all sides. When asked what they watch to get their news, they report what I just listed. So, these people never watch MSNBC, CNN, or even PBS. They only hear trash talk about Biden, no analysis about his very hard work and positive results. I ask you, what can we do about this? Your hard work should pay off. How?

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