Carley Shimkus? Joey Johnny Jones? Did these people choose the weirdest stage names ever in case they want to have a real career someday?

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I believe that is Carley's real last name. It's probably German. My family is German and we have some funny last names. Giesler is my favorite. It means Goat Herder. Joey Johnny Jones is most likely really named Joseph Johnathan Jones but he's now is trying to transition to Joey Jones. Fox used to write his name as Joey "Johnny" Jones.

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Fox claims that JB can't with its constant refrain of "clean up on aisle 5." So, who do they think is running the gov't and making decisions and encouraging the truce in the mid-east and return of hostages and supporting large infra-structure programs, and promoting civility and democratic values? Cause FOX doesn't criticize those programs. Maybe that "invisible hand" of gov't should declare itself, and we can get a leader that even Foxes can love. FWIW

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